
2CARE, Dermatology clinic

As a leader dermatology clinic in riyadh, our team of dermatologists are using the most effective treatments and technologies, Scripps dermatologists diagnose and treat a wide range of skin diseases and conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo, rosacea and acne.

Your dermatology clinic in riyadh offers general and cosmetic dermatology services at several locations across the city for all of your skin care needs.

Treatment of skin diseases

You can find a lot of dermatology clinics in riyadh, but in 2care, we treat skin diseases and conditions with the most effective treatments and technologies, including medications, laser therapies and more.

Cold peeling for all areas

The chemical face peel is a resurfacing procedure designed to rejuvenate the facial and/or neck skin. The face peel is a safe and effective procedure but patient compliance and the ability to follow directions are paramount for the success.

Laser hair bleaching

Bleaching hair is quick and easy and we offers the ultimate laser hair bleaching solution to the fine hairs that cannot be easily removed. It bleaches the hair thus making it invisible without any risk of hair growth stimulation.

Deep cleanse the skin

we offer a multi-step skin treatment that can include exfoliation, face masks, cleansing, a facial massage, steam, and a variety of creams and lotions. There are a variety of facials that are chosen depending on your specific skin issues and skin type.

Fractional Scarlett

we offer a new technology that delivers fractional radio-frequency (RF) directly into the dermis through micro-needle electrodes. It is used to stimulate collagen formation in order to improve saggy skin, wrinkles, acne scars, large pores and stretchmarks.

Derma frac to lighten

The DermaFrac uses a precise hand piece with a vacuum that pulls the skin into contact with hundreds of micro-needles. These needles create micro-channels for the infusion of specific serums. This means that there is optimal absorption of the serum, as well as stimulating the skins healing response, which may improve collagen production and fibroblast activity to renew the skin cells.


book an appointment

Our online booking system is quick, convenient and easy to use. It allows you to book an appointment with your preferred practitioner at a date and time convenient to you.

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    2care is a leader premium brand in plastic surgery in SAUDI ARABIA, We strive for excellence and professionalism, and achieve complete satisfaction of customers.

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